My commitment to innovation and self improvement

By Adrian Ayala

A passion for creating spaces

As my career progresses, I look forward to developing a set of skills to compliment both my past work experience and my education.

Renovation and restoration

My passion is to evolve with new technology as an early adopter, as well as a high level of respect for the past, be it restoring old cars to repairing/recycling old video game consoles.

Technical Support

I enjoy helping others and work experience includes developing and maintaining DJ equipment to deep dives into website analysis from both front and back end of development efforts.

App Development

My first app development experience came from a successful project at San Jose State, where I lead the development of a watch app, as well as hands free 3D holographic display systems.


In 2024, I received my BS degree at San Jose State, where I focused on Data Science, Machine Learning, and Data Visualizations, and python programming.

Hands on Experience

My part time jobs during my education, were primarily focused on technical support and development. The skills I learned on these jobs provided a diverse work environment with many different aspects of technical engagement.

Shared Learning

Much of this website is dedicated to showcasing some of my work and educating others to pursue a technical career. This includes family and friends and anyone who happens upon it. Feel free to drop me line with any questions you may have about starting or other issues involved that you may see as I build this site.

An array of resources

As I progress in my career, my mentors have told me about engineering journals they used to keep and would like to continue that with the resources that helped me gain the experience I needed to work in this industry and beyond. This will be always be a work in progress, so stay tuned.

“All I Know Is That I Know Nothing” – Socrates

What I know:

  • Collaborations with fellow architects.
  • Showcase my projects.
  • Experience the world of technology.
Tourist taking photo of a building

Thomas Edison is known for saying, “I haven’t failed, I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work”. He believed that negative results were just as valuable as positive results and that people could learn a lot from their failures. Edison also said, “I never quit until I get what I’m after”.